In my last post, I talked about the virtues and money-making potential of creating a 'tribute act.' Now that you've had some time to think about how you might take advantage of the 'tribute act revival,' let's look at what you'll need prior to launch.
Your Capabilities - Take a close look at the configuration and capabilities of your band, or of yourself if you're going solo. Make sure that everyone can play their role. It's not enough just to 'cover' songs. You must be able to convince the audienc that they're actually seeing and hearing a close replica of the original act.
Lead Singer - Since the lead singer is usually the 'front-man,' and therefore the person that is most recognizable by the audience, his/her role bears special consideration. Make sure that the lead singer is a very close match to the original act. If you get this part right, your chances of success rise exponentially. A vocal match is more important that an appearance match. Try to get both.
Build An Act - If you want to get serious about making money with a tribute act, build one. Start with yourself and advertise for exactly what you need. Use Craigslist and the host of music-related websites to get the word out.
Ad Example: Wanted: Lead singer for a new Journey tribute band. Must have the 'pipes' of Steve Perry and be dedicated to making a living on the road. Band is located in L.A. and performs throughout the Southwest.
In my next post, I'll examine tribute act genres in terms of their popularity and earnings potiential.
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